Thursday, March 18, 2010

Concert Ticket Prices

I will tell you my biggest pet peeve about the concert industry is the cost of the concert tickets. I know the prices are partly based on what the artist ask for, but there is all those different service charges the ticket companies tack on to also. I just recently bought 2 tickets for a show I am going to see. The cost per ticket is 35.50. There is also a covenience charge of $9.10 per ticket. There is also a processing fee of $4.40, and the grand total of 2 tickets came up to 93.60. Now this wasn't as bad as other tickets I have purchased in the past. Some places charge you a parking fee and this does not matter if you use their parking or not. Some places also charge you a building fee. I have even seen a fees for some charity in the past. The ticket industry for concerts and events have got way out of hand. The United States Congress is even holding hearings about this and may try to regulate the industry. I am betting that will never happen because the lobbiest will find a way to take care of that if you know what I mean. I will still go see live shows as much as I can and afford. Just when some bands have shows where the cheapest seats are like 90 dollars I just may miss those.
I love going to the smaller venues where seeing the up and coming bands don't cost as bad, but the damn service charges still drive even those ticket prices up.
One way to escape some of these extra charges is to buy the tickets at the venue itself. I definitely want to hear your opinions about all this too and hope you reply to this blog. Let me know what you think.


  1. I would have to agree. It seems a concert used to be used to generate interest in the band. Now it seems to be a financial endeavor to replace the supposedly "lost" music sales, due to copyright infringement. I have tons of favorite bands, that I cant even consider going to, because of the prices.

  2. What I enjoy is going to see the bands that are still building their carreers and playing in Clubs. They cost less money and in a more intimate setting. Whats fucked up though is they have the service charges too but it's less at least
